It's been a while since I last posted something to this blog. The reason is plain and simple, I'm busy! Now, here it latest movie review for The Green Hornet.
Synopsis: After the death of his father, Brit Reid (Seth Rogen) teams up with his late father's assistant Kato (Jay Chou) to become masked crime fighting team...The Green Hornet and his unknown sidekick.
Review: I got in late into the cinema while the movie had past its 30 minute mark so I missed certain parts of the flick..a whole half an hour of it. But what I know is that Brit Reid's now the heir to his father's newspaper empire and he wants to battle crimes in the city with the help of his assistant, Kato.
From what I've been watching from previous years, Seth Rogen is no action hero. He tends to play this adult child that cracks you up, most of the time. So, with him being the main lead actor in this movie turned me off a little bit but luckily this being an action comedy it fits him well.
Sure, Seth plays The Green Hornet but he's not trying to be the hero here. The one who bashes and kicks bad guys in the movie is Jay Chou. All Seth do in the movie is make people laugh. There was this scene between him and a gas gun that makes me laugh so hard until tears came out from my eyes. That's what he do best.
Jay Chou on the other hand is the complete opposite to Seth Rogen. He's Kato and the unnamed sidekick to The Green Hornet and he's the one who beat up bad guys in the flick. I have to say that some of the action sequence performed by Kato in the movie really made my heart pumped. Whenever a fight is about to erupt Kato can slow down time and during that period he identifies his enemies weapons and what he's going to do next. It's really cool and something new in my opinion. The downside to his character is that I have difficulties in understanding what he said at times.
Now, to the main villain. It's played by Christophe Waltz (The Inglourious Basterds) as a drug lord called Chudnovsky. But when The Green Hornet and Kato had destroyed his dirty business he decided to change his name to Bloodnovsky. His name amuses me and later in the movie he wears a red jacket with a gas mask in order to strike fear to his enemies. Pretty hilarious given that I had hoped he would be a serious threat with a diabolical plan or two in his mind. It was disappointing a little bit but this IS an action comedy after all so what do I expect right?
Cameron Diaz as Lenore Case is Seth's new secretary and she adds that much needed fiestiness to the movie with him and Jay Chou battling it out to win her heart. She also becomes their 'advisor' for the pair when they were lost for thought on what to do. That's pretty much her role in the movie.
Well, I can say that this remake of The Green Hornet directed by Michael Gondry and written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg is an enjoyable movie with good comedies and great action scenes. This is a good popcorn flick. I had a blast. Oh, for those who didn't understand the title of this post..Brit Reid wanted to name his alter ego as The Green Bee when Kato said that The Green Hornet would be better.
*Here's what other movie sites say about the piece:
Joblo Movie Network: "While I can't say THE GREEN HORNET is a terrific, or particularly original work, it's nevertheless a great popcorn flick, that does exactly what it sets out to do, which is entertain. I enjoyed this a heck of a lot more than the early trailers made me think I would. It's a good, solid action comedy, and a great showcase for Jay Chou."
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