January 16, 2011

Can't I Review This Any Faster???

What is Faster in Bahasa Malaysia? It's 'kelajuan' or something like that right, but you can't directly translate that into 'kelajuan' because it wasn't fitting for the movie. Honestly speaking, I couldn't fathom any scene that has got to do with anything that's fast from the movie at all! Sure there were one or two car chase scenes but they're certainly not fast enough in my book. Before I keep on babbling about the movie, here's my review for Faster. But first, the synopsis.

SYNOPSIS: An ex-convict (Dwayne Johnson) is out to seek revenge for his brother's death while being tracked by a drug addict homicide detective (Billy Bob Thornton) and a contract killer ( OliverJackson-Cohen).

REVIEW: Faster is an r-rated movie starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Billy Bob Thornton, Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Carla Gugino. What I can say about this movie is that it's not the worse movie I've ever seen but it's not that good either. 

Dwayne Johnson as the main lead of this movie in my opinion is an astute choice but, yes there's a but, all he had to do was to look mean, grunt and shoot the heads of off people..that's all. Plus, he's off screen for almost half the movie, which is unfitting since he's the reason why people go to watch this action flick in the first place. In addition, he doesn't talk much.

As for Billy Bob Thornton as The Cop, that's how the movie highlights his character, is also a fine addition to the movie cast but he plays in what I would say a cliche' type of cop. First, he's a drug addict. Second, he has an angry ex-wife with a kid. Lastly, he's about to retire. Cliche' right?

Then there's The Killer, a role handed to a relatively unknown British actor in Oliver Jackson-Cohen. I seriously have a problem watching this guy. I mean, what is he doing in this movie? Sure, the audience know him as a mega rich software billionaire turn assassin but did he kill anyone in the movie to justify that he's a killer? No. His character is basically needless and a downright torture for me during the movie. He only monitors Dwayne Johnson's actions most of the time and only got to neck in neck with him like three times and none of them were memorable.

Being an action movie, I expected more from Faster. I expected explosions, car chasing, and loads of shooting but what I got from my RM13 for a 2D Faster yesterday was disappointing, really disappointing. Now, if you'll excuse me..I want to shed some tears and punch on the wall.

Here's what other sites have to say:

Joblo: "The jury’s still out whether or not FASTER is going to be Johnson’s ticket to the action A-list, which is territory he wasn’t able to crack prior to his Disney detour. He’s about a burly as he’s ever been, and I’m sure that given the right vehicle he could deliver, but for my money, FASTER ain’t it."

IGN: "It may be a perfunctory action flick, but Faster is nevertheless worth a look for no other reason than it rescues Johnson from banal family fare. (If it tanks, you know we'll just get Tooth Fairy 2.) Sadly, the film's sermonizing (literally) about the perils of vengeance and the ridiculousness of some of its characters prevent Faster from being a better movie. For what it is, though, it offers offers fans of The Rock their money's worth of ass-kicking."


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